Saw this quote today from Oprah (the one-named wonder who has become synonymous with reinvention, re-creation and transformation)

“Nothing about my life is lucky. Nothing. A lot of grace, a lot of blessings, a lot of divine order, but I don’t believe in luck. For me, luck is preparation meeting the moment of opportunity. There is no luck without you being prepared to handle that moment of opportunity. Every single thing that has ever happened in your life is preparing you for the moment that is to come.”

As I considered how this has played out in my life, I think back to the times when I resisted taking action that I knew could move me along in certain areas. I delayed, dragged my feet, dug in my heels for fear of both failure and success. Yesterday, while sitting in my office, I looked over at the photo I keep there of my 22 year old self. Long chocolate/auburn highlighted hair streaming down courduroy covered shoulders as I sat perched on a stool. This 52 year old elfin-shorn haired woman is amazed at how naive this younger version of me was, how much she still had to learn. It is a bridge I have crossed from where I was to where I am and as I gaze backward across the span, I marvel.

The dialog between us went something like this:  “Do you have any clue what it’s going to take for you to span 3 decades? The loves and losses, the confusion and challenges, the dark nights of the soul, the triumphs and travels, the people you will encounter.”  to which she responded “Bring it on!”  Then I asked her to consider what would have happened had she chosen a different career path; such as journalism, rather than psychology and social work. She shrugged and answered that had she made that selection, my life would have taken a whole ‘nother turn and I might not have had the deeply fulfilling spiritual experiences that have so enriched me and continue to influence my writing. Heck, I might not be writing this right now. Because I pursued a BA in Psychology at Glassboro State College, I worked at a counseling center called Together Inc. and met people who have been some of the deepest delights in my life, introducing me to all kinds of creative and spiritual practices. All these years later, we are still dear friends.  AND because I went there, I met my friend Albert Borris who encouraged me to go to Outward Bound  in 1981. He has gone as well, a few times over the years and knew how powerful it would be for me. There I learned how to make positive changes in my life, rather than complaining over what wasn’t as I would have it be.

Because I engaged in those practices, I opened to spiritual guidance and listened to the “Voice” that led me to forgo a trip to Russia in 1986 and instead, go to Philadelphia to hear Ram Dass speak. That night, I met the man who was to become my husband and with whom I published Visions Magazine for 10 years. As a result, I had the extreme joy of interviewing hundreds of transformational speakers, teachers, healers, performers, peace and social justice activists. Since we sold the publication in 1998, six months prior to Michael’s death, I have been a free-lance journalist and have waltzed through open doors that have me writing about even more movers and shakers; including His Holiness The Dalai Lama.

Because I went to grad school at Rutgers and earned my MSW, I have been able to serve many thousands of people as a social worker and now teach continuing ed classes for others in the field.

Because of Michael’s passing, I learned one of the most epic lessons ever “Everyone in your life is on loan to you.”, so I appreciate them all. I welcome new friends and never know how someone who enters will enhance and enliven it. I call them overlapping soul circles and laugh when I realize that because I met particular people who knows how many years ago, I am enjoying the sensual delights of listening to a CD sent by a musician I met at a party, or indulging in a decadent treat with a new friend, or taking a heart opening class  or wearing a piece of jewelry received as a gift, or reading an inspiring book written by an author I happened to encounter on facebook, or being in a drumming circle or walking through a park, or splashing in the ocean.

When I have resisted change symbolically kicking and screaming, I have to ask myself why, since it is inevitable and when I haven’t received that which I thought I wanted, it has indeed prepared me for something even more marvelous. I have been increasingly willing to do the leg work to accomplish my goals and see my visions come to fruition. Everything from shedding weight, to completing my book, from cleaning my Jeep to weeding the garden and doing the laundry. I am totally open to doing the prep work/play to gather in the abundant harvest.

What seeds have you planted?

What harvest do you want to gather?

What bridges have you crossed?

What spans still await?  The Secret of Life by James Taylor

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